Listen --- I may have said it last night but when Evans Roberts went to that little church that night --- When the revival broke out in Wales --- God told him --- "You tell the people three things" --- When he got there that night --- there was only seventeen people present --- that's all ---
He said --- "You tell them:
- You forsake and confess every known sin. (Talking to Christians)
- You move away from every questionable habit.
- You make it right with every Brother and Sister.
Revival broke out with just 17 people. And in 24 hrs. --- swept that valley and thousands of people were born into the Kingdom of God.---
I'm telling you revival's real --- God hasn't changed --- We don't know what a revival is --- We can sing ourselves happy and call it revival --- but if it don't change our life styles and make our neighbors know that something's happened to us --- then something's wrong with what we are calling revival.
It's always been --- Individual's caught up in these revivals are radically changed --- Nothing does such violence to human nature as being born again --- and Nothing so transforms a church like having the Holy Spirit sweep through that church --- Hallelujah! To God! --- The reviving of God's life in a church --- collectively --- and the believer individually --- has a restraining effect upon the community and the nation --- It's always that way --- Amen?
Wigglesworth ---
We (wife and I) we were in a little town of Billet, Texas in revival --- 1954. The Lady that began that church was 86 years old --- A Mrs. Alice Banning --- Sister Alice Banning --- She told us the story of her life, as a preacher of the Gospel --- Had 9 children when God called her to preach --- Went to los Angeles --- from Oklahoma --- Built the first Pentecostal Church --- an Assembly of God church --- in Los Angeles--- and she said there she struggled --- She was hated --- Drawn before judges --- Amen! Time and time again just because she preached the gospel --- but she said that during that time --- in 1922 --- that she had Smith Wiggelsworth in to that community for a revival --- she said we roped off a city block and 10,000 people came to hear and see the miracles of God --- and Brother Clendennon --- God moved and for a 16 mile radius --- people --- not just one --- but 100's of reports came. People would come out in the evening and would fall out on the porch --- in the yard --- They thought they had an heart attack --- Amen! But they would come through screaming for the mercies of God. Let me ask you, has God changed?
I said has God changed? I can tell ya! If we could produce Pentecost one more time, right here in this church --- They would come from every quarter of this earth --- to see what is going on.
I wouldn't go across the street to go to church just to have some place to go. But I'd crawl to Texas and from Texas to here --- to be where Jesus is --- Halleluhah!
I said Hallelujah! Oh what a day we live in --- The heavens rule --- Christian morals prevail --- Lawlessness is subdued --- Order is restored --- Heavens rule --- That's revival! --- True revival --- We will not only waken wicked men to righteousness --- but also restore that which the locusts --- the cankerworm --- caterpillar --- and the palmer worm have eaten --- It will put back into that church what was lost when that revival was lost.